Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 05-25-17, 07:39 AM   #4615
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Originally Posted by jrones92 View Post
Hi FORTS team I downloaded the mod its great so far especially for being a beta. I am having some weird bugs with a few of the aircraft. Betty torpedo bombers seem to make my game crash, I thought it was a memory issue but after playing around in the editor and making some tweaks to my memory allocation whenever they appear the game still crashes, I'm not sure why. I also have issues with the kamikazes, while they will dive at my sub at they usually pull out of their dives although I've been hit by them I think it was not on purpose. In the editor if I adjust their intelligence over anything more than novice them always seem to pull up, anything lower than competent at they miss. Any idea why they would miss or not press home their attack? Especially because when I fist saw kamikazes they always attacked and usually hit me. Any help would be appreciated.
I have a Windows XP 32 bit; Pentium 4, 2.4Ghz; 2 gig Ram; with an ATI Radeon 4670 video card as my modding computer. If the game runs on it, I'm usually satisfied to think it should run on anyone else's computer.

I highly recommend to use Large Address Aware if your system has more than 3 gigs of memory and its a 64 bit OS. Please read this thread if you have Windows 10........ [TEC] Windows10; Large Address Aware; SH4 Install

I've never had an issue with the Betty Torpedo Bomber:

Lately I've had it running off of a Hiryu Carrier that's positioned just over the horizon while I check detection performance from other surrounding ships. I have it as the only plane in the area, and it works as intended........ flies low to the water, drops one of its torpedos, pitches up, and as other planes will do, continues to return to the sub to strafe with its guns. I'll admit you don't want to be hit by the torpedo! I let it happen, mission over!

As far as the Kamikazes in Fotrs Ultimate there are two:

They both appear after the start of 1945. The Betty comes from land bases, the Kamikaze Zero from either land bases, or carriers.

No other plane will attack like the Kamikaze Zero. It will dive directly onto your ship. No other plane will do that. Keep in mind, if the plane (any plane) takes damage, it will abort its intended flight path. That's programed into the stock game planes operation. If the Kamikaze Zero or Betty MXY-7 Ohka pulls up during its flight, its due to damage taken on its approach. The Betty is especially vulnerable to damage, so keep that in mind.

If they do get through the anti aircraft fire.......better "pucker up"!!

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"

Last edited by CapnScurvy; 05-25-17 at 07:48 AM.
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