Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 05-24-17, 08:01 AM   #4607
Ace of the Deep
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Default Lifeguard Task

I don't know if this is an issue or not, but I do have a question concerning the rescue of downed US Aviators.

After meeting the assigned mission objectives in Area 4, and tiring of looking for more merchants, I saw a message asking for all available boats to go to the Saipan area to assist US forces conducting the imminent invasion. It was early June 1944. Having nothing better to do with no activity for over 48 hours, I headed the boat to a point just about 12 Nm North of Saipan and called in for orders (Dumbass me). I was assigned to Lifeguard duties to the Southeast of the island, approximately opposite Tinian, and told to arrive there before July 7. No problem, I was already in the area in mid-June. Within 2 days I was swarmed by multiple flights of small groups, most of which turned out to be Japanese, with the occasional US planes flying in radar range too. Sure enough, the next day survivors started popping up all over the place.

I knew to look for the dye markers or flares, and finally found one. I put the binoculars on the survivor, hit the space bar to mark him, the life buoy button lit up, and when I clicked it I got the Survivor Rescued message. Perfect so far. After a number of dry runs past presumably Japanese pilots in the water (no survivor or pink dye marker/flare visible), I found another downed US Aviator. Same approach, binoculars, space bar mark, but no lit button on the Life Buoy indicator! I could not rescue him, no matter what I tried. Frustrating to have to leave live pilots in the sea, but I had no means to save them.

So my question is: Are you only allowed to rescue one Aviator on that mission?

And another thing, often when spotting the dye marker/flare off in the distance, they would recede directly away from my boat unless I was at Flank speed! Anything less and they would fade away as if caught in the jet stream. Very strange behavior.

I have nothing to compare this to, since I've never received an order to Lifeguard duty except in FOTARS Ultimate v0.56, and I doubt it is something you looked at, given the dearth of comments on the subject.

Just thought I'd pique your curiosity! Thanks.

Run Silent, Run Deep, and Sink 'em All
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