Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 04-16-17, 11:25 AM   #4456
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Originally Posted by J0313 View Post
It sure is quiet around here lately. What is das status?
Being Spring, there's little time to pursue computer work....but things are still progressing!

I've been going over the capabilities of shutting down the subs sensors when they shouldn't be active. Like when the sub is at Radar Depth, your Watch Officer shouldn't be able to report objects detected while the periscope is down. Along those lines the SD and SJ radar will only work when their turned "On". The SJ defaults to an "On" position anytime the SJ Antenna is above water, yet it will be capable of turning "Off" if the player chooses. The SD's default is "Off", and will be turned "On" at the players choosing. I'm going over all subs; at most of the sea state conditions (I'm not going to worry about the 15kt speed sea state.....figure it's too rough for any kind of sensor to work); and getting the sensors to react as expected.

I've found several minor issues with the game ship models (no planes on the Kaiyo CV deck for instance) so, correcting them as I go.

Within the Damage Management screen I've run into stock game errors that I've been correcting. The following image illustrates what I'm talking about:

The Starboard Side Surface Propulsion shows the Propeller Shaft and Diesel Engine as a part of its "system"...the Electric Engine should not be a part of it.

The Steering Control "system" should have an image of the Rudder, not the Dive Plane.
The Compressor shouldn't show a gun image.
The right hand gun images for the Deck Gun and AA Gun are fine for the sub as it stands at this particular load out, but the same images will be produced for the 5inch .25cal DG, and the 40mm AA Gun.

The Stern Deck Gun shouldn't be using a Torpedo image.
The Decoy Launcher shouldn't use a 3"/5 Deck Gun image.
Those two AA Gun descriptions are wrong....the word "Upack20mmSingle" is misplaced.

Further issues with descriptions are in the Radar system:

Plus, the Decoy Launcher system uses some sort of "Dial" image??

I think you get the picture......we've had these kinds of errors for the last ten years, it's time to fix them.

I've been looking at the player's use of the Hydrophone and why it doesn't provide a consistent capability of hearing a target at all its travelling speeds! This has been tough since the hydrophone will function for targets traveling over half their Max_Speed rating, or when the target detects your subs presence and it changes to its "prey" status (its an in-game term). I've not corrected it yet, but I have an idea how, if, we can't get the hard coded files to preform as they should.

I'm also looking at the ST Radar that has never worked with the Observation (Night) Periscope. There's files missing.....I'm hopeful I can get them in and function the SJ Radar as it should.

Again, this time of year is limited to working on a computer in bad weather, or after dark (I can't afford to lose good days from my work outside), but we'll keep plugging along.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"

Last edited by CapnScurvy; 04-16-17 at 12:23 PM.
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