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Old 04-10-17, 03:44 PM   #407
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by Wise View Post
Without screens. Screens are in earlier posts.
Earlier it has been made:
Turm VIIA-Vorkrieg (early VIIB-type)
Turm VIIA-1938 (without wave-deflector, early VIIB-type)
Turm VIIA-1939 (with wave-deflector, early VIIB-type)
Turm VIIB-1940 (with round wintergarten)
Turm VIIB-1942 (U-84 analog, with the additional platform behind a tower)
Turm VIIC (type 1, standard)
Turm VIIC (type 1, U-96 analog)
Turm VIIC (type 1, 'FuMO-29')
Turm VIIC (type 2)
Hull of the boat (type VII).
Deck of the hull (type VII, early, continuous with waterholes)
Deck of the hull (type VII, late 1942-43, wooden flooring)
Turm VIIC (type 3) - readiness about 75%...
And here has appeared He.. Man-machine..
I have interrupted my work with towers, to help him..
With my insignificant help he has recreated 3D models of majority of radars and detectors of radar-radiate, including the VHF-antenna and a direction finder (early and late), which were widely used in the years of war on the German U-boats and which Ubisoft hasn't realized in a game..
With my insignificant help he has recreated 3D-models of periscopes, according to their actual sizes and appearance. With vibration-dampener..
Rack of a fighting periscope (early and late)..
Simply UZO and UZO with protect 'anti-rain'..
Hydrophone KDB..
All models have real appearance. It is easy to be convinced of it, having looked at screens.
Practically all models have the actual sizes, except for those which can't be made real because of nuances of a game which it is impossible to remake or ‘deceive’.
Sphere has collected huge amount of information: rare photos, detailed descriptions of the principle of work, drawings, dates of commissioning, etc.
After testing of his work on my towers, I have understood that towers need considerable reconstruction. Otherwise, towers against the background of his magnificence will look extreme doubtfully..
On today reconstruction was undergone:
Turm VIIA-Vorkrieg (early VIIB-type)
Turm VIIA-1938 (without wave-deflector, early VIIB-type)
Turm VIIA-1939 (with wave-deflector, early VIIB-type)
At the first stage of reconstruction the large volume of work has been made. I expect to carry out the second stage much quicker, using a method of mutual substitution of the objects improved at the first stage.
Second stage of reconstruction:
Turm VIIB-1940 (with round wintergarten)
Turm VIIB-1942 (U-84 analog, with the additional platform behind a tower)
Turm VIIC (type 1, standard)
Turm VIIC (type 1, U-96 analog)
Turm VIIC (type 1, 'FuMO-29')
Turm VIIC (type 2)
Stage 3: improvement, addition and end of Turm VIIC (type 3) with necessary changes (according to the period of war of 1943-45) in hull of boat(deck, groove of snorkel, etc.).
Creation of Turm VIIC (type 4).
Stage 4: creation of the boat (hull + tower) VIIC/41.

The second (and also, the third and fourth) the stage of reconstruction is inseparably linked with work of Sphere with which it is occupied now: creation of realistic guns (see screens above), creation of realistic animation of guns, improvement of appearance of the crew member (at the model and textural level), creation of new animation of artillery calculations for new guns.
Besides, Sphere is occupied with creation of animation of the radar equipment and further introduction of all listed work in overall mod - VII, including towers which have passed (or will pass in the future) reconstruction.
Later (if Sphere allows), I will show separate screens of the working moments on which the drawn-up plans are displayed. Or, maybe, he himself..
Perhaps, I have forgotten to mention something. I hope, Andrey will come and will eliminate a lack.
Всем удачи!
Stunning work so far my friends, and yes Andrey silence is worrying. I hope he is ok

Best regards.

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