Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 03-04-17, 01:37 AM   #4021
Join Date: Feb 2017
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Pretty impressive work guys! I'm really liking what I've seen so far!

After running long enough to sink 2 ships and evade one DD, I decided to start poking around in the campaign files (my ME works now). Sigh. The reason you're getting blasted or ignored by escorts is that in the 42a Japanese Convoys file I found crew quality to be...problematic. They were either novices or elite and very few elites. If 42a looks like that, I'd imagine the others are at least similar. IMO, crew quality should be more stacked at Veteran and Competent with a dash of elites and greens. Novices should be very rare.

The Japanese were quite good sailors in the early war. In fact, quality wouldn't really become a problem until late war because of attrition. The real problem they had early was poor command structure and lack of sufficient escorts. But I feel like I'm preaching to the choir so I'll nip my moaning in the bud.

I'm going to enable my convoy files tomorrow and see if they cause any problems. If they don't, it'll be a simple matter to check shipping and make a few changes to rosters. I think that'd actually be easier to do than modifying the existing layout. Most are random ships anyway. If there are other issues to contend with, I can't guess what they'd be.

I'll also try to set up a couple ASW missions and see how it goes. Maybe not tomorrow but soon. The sensitivity setting for active sonar "might" be an issue. It seems high but it's been a long time since I worked on that stuff.
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