Thread: [WIP] Lighthouses mod
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Old 02-02-17, 11:49 AM   #8
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Hi Gap,

I assume there was a clash between ID's in your file and something in my set-up. Therefore I remapped IDs and all worked.

The 2nd CTD was my being dumb - hadn't noticed that Kendras had included a Locations.cfg in his mod. Think his called up something not available in my setup.

I found that by changing the Node-Reef1 Node Positioning Translation Y value I could lower and raise the reef in the water, actually submerging it altogether, or having it float in the air.

Here is the your modified .dat file:-


PS: - didn't see your last post re the ambient occlusion texture. Will give it a go, but maybe tomorrow.
Je pense donc je fuis!
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