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Old 01-28-17, 05:02 AM   #787
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Originally Posted by Platapus View Post
They they ink their own fingers before casting their ballot, they would not be allowed to vote (or would probably be able to cast a provisional ballot).

It would not make sense to pre-ink your own fingers if you intended to vote.
I meant my post humorously; there was a previous mention of an inked finger as a 'badge of honor', so I just played on the idea of someone inking their finger as sort of 'stolen voter honor'...

The fellow being cited by Trump as his source of authority for his claims of not only voter fraud, but of also costing him the election's popular vote is named Gregg Phillips. On the local newsradio station here in Los Angeles (KNX 1070 AM) yesterday, Phillips was interviewed, live and at long length, by one of the reporters who is well known in this area for being very hard and tenacious on interview subjects of all stripes, politically. The reporter just basically blew holes in Phillips' claims and it was amusing to hear Phillips squirm; there has not been a better exhibition of tap dancing since those old MGM musicals. I just wish the reporter had had a database expert along with him since a lot of what Phillips was spouting about his databases and methodology was sheer nonsense...

Gregg Phillips ("with two g's") was similarly upended by Chris Cuomo live on CNN (please excuse the poor quality of the clip, but some of better quality were not complete by a few seconds either at the beginning or the end, and I did not want to give the impression something was being hidden):

When watching the above clip, it brought to mind the sort of 'proof' Sen. Joe McCarthy and his minions would try to foist off in the 1950s:

The more things change, the more they remain the same; same swamp - not much different 'gators...

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Last edited by vienna; 01-28-17 at 08:23 AM.
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