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Old 01-21-17, 02:08 PM   #1
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radar Battle Report - DW.PL&PolishSeamen vs BETASOM clan (Jan 20th, 17)

This is a description of the battle that happen yesterday (Jan 20th, 2017). Two teams: DW.PL & PolishSeamen versus Betasom - XI Gruppo Sommergibili Atlantici.

We played modified version of Battle of Oilfield Scenario.

It was a severe battle. 5 vs 5. Two Bergaminis, two SSK: Type 212 and SSN Los Angeles FLT I vs two Udaloys, two SSK: Lada and SSN: Victor III.

Our plan was simple. We hold departure of our landing fleet until we gain a knowledge about enemy’s movement. Grindler (Bergamini) takes advanced postion to detect the enemy fleet. Our SSKs covers both side of the islands. Me at LA – take neutral position north to the island to react accordingly to enemy’s movement. Everything went perfectly at the beginning. Both surface units proceeded to sea.

After 30-40 minutes we were on the positions, and I was able to submerge.

Our opponents started too. After analysis of all signals, we were able to estimate a course of enemy landing fleet. They were going south to the island. Based on that, I moved my Los Angeles to the South-West.

Unfortunately, neutral Samadikuns finished to be neutral and they attacked Pinho (SSK 212). Although Jaszczi and Grindler gave him support, he was sunk.

We had more and more information about enemy. Unfortunatelly LADA’s UGST torp hit Grindler and we lost one of the Bergamini. We had to manage ourselves. Jaszczi destroyed next Samadikun.

The same was done by RED team. Slowly the area between islands became more clear. However there were still huge amount of contacts.

I run fast to my position. In the meantime Jaszczi fought with Udaloys and tried to find enemy subs. Generally we started to behave chaotic. I lost orientation about situation on the surface. Finally I detected Udaloy and Victor III. Also I saw one of the cruiser – Svierdlov. Fired torpedoes. I evaded counter attack because enemy helo is close to me.

Jaszczi (Bergamini) was sunk. But Pepe (212) hit and sunk one of the Udaloy and damaged one of the Svierdlov. After attack the Svierdlov ran aground on the south island.

My fishes run and hit --- FREIGHTER. So I fired again and damaged the second Udaloy. The Udaloy started run away from the battle. My next fishes caught the SSN and Victor II was down.

And next I heard pings and torps close to me. I did not know what was happening around me. Everywhere explosions and chaos. I speed up, released decoys and run as possible. Later on (at replay) I realized that it was not necessary, because torps were aimed at Pepe, not me.

Slowly the battle calmed down. I gave coordinates of damaged Udaloy – she is far away. But it confirmed a position that Pepe had before. Pepe launched 2 Harpoons and finished the Udaloy. I fired my fish to the damaged Svierdlov and … run away, because the second one fired torps at me. I did not notice her before !!!

How can I not notice her !!! In last minutes of the battle, Pepe was hit and sunk by von Faust (Lada) and I finished the damaged Svierdlov.

The battle was over. To summarize. I have to say that we lost. From our side only my unit was alive, the rest both human control and AIs were destroyed. On RED side there were still two SSKs and the cruiser Svierdlov. So the result was: “MINOR VICTORY” for BETASOM clan. Congratulation !!!

The game gave me a lot of fun. I liked it very much. It was dynamic and sometimes very chaotic. I still have to learn a lot. I failed with proper interpretation of information from my sensors. However on the other side I got a SSN Victor III class.

So thanks everybody for the game. I hope that this report will encourage others DW players to join multiplayer game with us.

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