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Old 12-18-16, 05:24 PM   #35
Shark above Space Chicken
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Originally Posted by ikrananka View Post
That's fantastic news and really great to know. I've toyed with the idea of buying a Saitek X-56 Rhino myself but can't justify the cost just now. Maybe I'll upgrade from my HOTAS X next year.

What are you impressions of the joystick so far?
It's been quite a few years since I've had a HOTAS system so I love that aspect of the Rhino. In particular, being able to split the throttle into port and starboard controls for supported multi-engine sims is nice. Good in B-17 for when an engine is feathered.

The overall quality is good so far and I've no complaints there. There is, however, no detailed instructions for programming profiles. The link to that manual is dead, or not set up yet, but it's the same as the X-55 so you can use that manual. That said, the level of programming options is very generous and I've been able to get everything working in all my sims but Red Baron 3D which just won't calibrate, or perhaps find the X,Y axis. I can get to the calibrations and work them, but there is just no flight control in sim. It did allow me to get the other old Sierra titles to run with full flight controls and an old DOS favorite called Strike Commander also.

So overall I love it but there are programming concepts that could use tutorials to better understand.

In B-17 today I ran my first historical mission, Bremen, and let the AI do it all but the bomb run. First screw up was not understanding how to start the mission so I just started the engines, took off and watched the AI insist the landing gear be lowered and the plane fly into the ground. After that I went to the radio operator and chose start mission which worked great up until the taxi job after landing. The AI just drove me way out into a cow pasture and left me wondering how to complete the mission. Sorted that by heading over to a hard point and manually shutting down the engines. The split throttle made that possible with engine four feathered, otherwise I couldn't stop the plane from going in circles.

Still a ways to go before I'm comfortable with everything but at least it's making a lot more sense now. Thanks for the tutorials.
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