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Old 11-01-16, 09:01 PM   #168
Lucky Jack
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I've heard that rudder pedals do make a world of difference, I guess it's a bit like going to TrackIR, once you've tried it you can't really go back. I've managed alright with the HOTAS twist rudder but I don't doubt for a second that a proper set of rudder pedals would be the icing on the cake.
HunterICX...I think he doesn't have a HOTAS setup, pretty sure he has something like a Cyborg Evo which has the throttle on the side of the stick and he can manage the Ka50 alright so I wouldn't say that a traditional twist stick and throttle combined joystick would be a barrier to entry, but certainly the more you specialise in equipment the better the experience will be, depending on your own tastes.

And yes, that Mustang can be a handful, especially on take-off. I find the Ka50 to be fairly docile so long as you respect it and don't throw the stick all over the place like a madman, get it trimmed nicely, use autohover when needed and take your time. The Hog...the biggest problem I have with the Hog is Windows for Warthog, trying to get all the elements to line up together in order to lob a Maverick at a target can be a bit of a pain, but once you've learned it (again) it becomes a bit easier. The Froggie is a lot of fun, but since it's an old model it's also a bit 'push key to continue', but she's a rugged bird and will get the job done. I know the other lands have the MiG-21, and they say that it's a tough crate to master but a lot of fun to try, Schroeder has a similar opinion on the Huey due to its more hands on approach.
I'd love to see a Mk I Spitfire for DCS, I wouldn't be able to do that much with it, but the A2A Accusim Spitfire for FSX is a lot of fun to fly, to the point that I was able to go into IL2 Cliffs of Dover and start-up and take off their Spitfires without any instructions because I knew the A2A Mk Is start-up procedure...and I also knew about the bloody coolant, because I tell you...that Spitfire does not like it when it comes to land and go back to bed, no it wants to stay up and play all night, you throttle back, flaps down, gear down and start coming in to land and the Merlin decides to throw all the toys out of the pram and spring a coolant leak. Every. Damn. Time.

All good fun though.
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