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Old 10-08-16, 12:36 PM   #2091
Ocean Warrior
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And Russia has made its base in Syria permanent, shipments of supplies to the base has increased, and the aircraft from there that returned to bases in Russia have gone back to Syria. Mainly SU 24's and SU 34's. I like this part of the agreement that Russian has with Syria now-

“Russian military personnel and shipments can pass in and out of Syria at will and aren’t subject to controls by Syrian authorities,” the document says. “Syrians can’t enter Russian bases without Russia’s permission. And Russia disclaims any responsibility for damage caused by its activities inside Syria.” Additionally, according to the agreement, Russia receives use of the Khmeimim aviation base with no fee and does not have to pay taxes in Syria.

Syria, I hope you enjoy your new tenants,lol

Russia is also looking to reestablish bases in Cuba and Vietnam, but no indications yet from those 2 countries that the Russians would be welcome.

Mean while in the Baltic-

Estonian officials have said that Russia appears to be moving powerful, nuclear capable missiles into Kaliningrad, a Russian outpost province sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania along the Baltic coast.
The Iskander-M missiles, which have a range of over 500km, are reportedly being transported by ship from the St Petersburg area. It had previously been reported that the Russians might seek to place the Iskander-M missiles in Kaliningrad but not until 2018-19.
If confirmed, the move would be seen by western governments as another sign that Russia is seeking to establish facts on the ground, from eastern Europe to the Middle East, before a new US president takes office in January.
Estonian officials said they were monitoring the ship and its contents. The ship, called the Ambal, was due to dock on Friday; reports of the cargo came from Estonian government sources.
Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. I'm kind to everyone, but when someone is unkind to me, weak is not what you are going to remember about me.

Al Capone
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