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Old 09-03-16, 12:31 AM   #4411
Der Einzelgänger
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Support Tooltips and Sobers green crew training mod

Hello Sober, can you tell me if there is any easy way to remove just the tooltips from your mod, "sobers green crew training V4 SH5"? Would be good to not have the character name and % trained pop up every time your cursor is in the vicinity of that crewmember, because I'm sure we all remember who they are by now and their training status can be accessed in the crew page...although I must say that this feature would be handy in RL for those embarrassing moments when you have one of those memory blocks and can't think of a person's name that you really should have remembered..
Best Regards....Kev*

"The finest Captain I ever crossed swords and set sail with"
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