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Old 08-30-16, 04:27 AM   #6
Onkel Neal
Born to Run Silent
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It's ok if you cannot help, I was just wanting to start a topic on this for discussion too, for anyone interested in this kind of thing.

Using a WYS editor is probably the best thing since sliced bread. I will have a look at WebPlus X8, that sounds useful. I have always argued that I am a content creator, not a website creator, but I need a website to host the content, so.... I started out in 1995 using Notepad, but when MS Front Page came along, I adopted that and it saved me a lot of time. FP was WYS but it also was sloppy and left a lot of tag soup behind. But my personality: I really didn't care as long as the page displayed properly in the browser.

Unfortunately, FP was discontinued in 2004....story of my life. I bought MS Expression Web but that is NOT WYS at all, lol, so I never learned it. I still use FP to create the new pages....

Back in 2005 I used Front Page to create the layout for the current Subsim main page, then I placed the html into the CMS skin, so it creates the webpage with the 4 separate news feeds from the CMS. None of that probably makes any sense unless you have done it...and I probably am using the wrong terminology

On the Wolfpack website, I used a responsive template and had to go into the css code and rearrange a lot of stuff to make it work for me, and look the way I want. I'm failly happy with the layout, and I added a Dev Updates page which is fed from the creaky old CMS I use.


I have always asked myself what something like wordpress is good for? For blogging? I think a blog is nothing else than a website, but easier to setup and update. I try to avoid CMS systems like the plague. They do not give you complete control, until you do it all yourself. And there are better tools for that.

Yeah, I know what you mean. To me, "Wordpress" was a basic CMS for blogging....which my current CMS will do also. I was not keeping up with current events and sometime around last year I thought to myself, "what's all this hoopla about Wordpress templates"? I was thinking of WP as a simple blog CMS but sometime over the last 8 years, WP took steroids and became some kind of monster website tool.

So yeah, for a website with 5 basic pages, main, info, about, contact, updates; a CMS is not really so useful. But if one has a site with hundreds of webpages, it can be amazing--because you can change a template or skin and voila! All the content flows into the new skin and all you had to change was one page. If I want to change the basic design of Subsim, I have to change 638 separate pages. If they were all in a CMS, I would only need to change one.

All this because people want to view the site on tiny little phones, lol. People! Wait till you get home! Oh, and get off my lawn!
SUBSIM - 26 Years on the Web
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