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Old 08-29-16, 04:56 AM   #11
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The two big problems with Linux, even Mint, are the software compatability thing, both in business and in private (games), which will not solve itself when people always just complain - but then again chose with their wallet to fiance Mcrosoft. Why should a company choose to develope for Linux if it sees people paying money for stuff done under Windows, and under Windows development can be had for a cheaper price and with less risk? The othe rreason ist that even an advanced GUI like Mint does not go all the way, but stops in the middle. You sooner or later run into the need to operate via Terminal - DOS, that is, so to speak, and that is so very backwardly and one thing it is not: intuitive and ergonomic. This is studying needed to be done, like you needed to study and learn DOS - 30 years ago. You need to be an expert under Linux as long as you do not have an administrator working for you. Much under Linux needs to be done via an interface of a standard that was used by us kids at school 35 years ago. In this regard, ergonomics, Linux is still quite primitive and Windows is superior. Linux is nice once all your system is tuned like you want it to be, then you can run your software via GUI. But beware if you need to do soething that is no on the daily card! Or set an option the GUI does not know of. You ask the wizards hen and copy-paste magical spells you do not understand.

To me, this is the biggest failure of the many Linux developers there are. So many different banches, so many different forks, when a team does not like the graphics of icons in one set they used for their fork or distribution, the immediately start to invent a new development strain and a new Linux branch. But none of them, not a single one, ever cared to develope a GUI systematically to the end so that you can tune your system and software options to your likings and handle system resources in a way that you do not need to leave the GUI.

This superioity of Windows is undenuiable, and total. Its a great failure of Linux that they develope so many branches - but not a single GUI consequently to the end.

And I think these two things are the major two things that keep people away fromLinux. Since 20 years. Does anyone elarnthe lesson from it, amongst Linux developers? Not really.

And mybe they want it like that, I learned that they are a very helpful, but also very elitist a circle at the forums. Extremely easy to trip their wires when saying something critical about Linux, even if it is true. Linux is holy, almost untouchable. I need these people, and many of them are very helpful, to make that clear - but I feel I abuse them by indeed leaving it only to factual problems and letting them solve them for me, not using any unnecessary word anymore. Got burnt several times the past 6 months.
I recommend, still, my way: use two systems, if yu are just an oridnary usual user with no need to run any special Windows-only special software. One no-updating Windows system for game laucnhing, and another with Linux Mint for EVERYTHING else.

I meanwhile learned that a VM is not an all-cures-in-one, it comes at its own risks for your system. Do ot underestimate what it means in security loss if you run a full Windows installation under Linux, even if it is a VM only. This Windows nevertheless exposes your system to the same risks a pure Windows mahcine would do. And at least you can distribute and spread Windows malware via your Linux system that way. If you exchnage data via for exmaple USB stick with another Windows system, or ar elinked in a network to Windows systems, the concerns are even greater.

Same goes for Wine. Running Wine under Linux is NOT recommended from a scurity point of view.

Keep things physically disconnected and separate from each other. What they need to consider regarding hygiencis in a hospital, is true for digital infections in the comouter world as well.

Maybe that is good. that there are so many kinds of Linuxes and so few users, are two reaosns why it is so safe an environment, at least safer than Windows, Chrome, Mac or Android.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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