Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 08-13-16, 09:21 AM   #1237
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Originally Posted by max-peck View Post
And on a completely different note, but pertaining to discussions recently, I am going to go ahead and re-instate the map marker for when an aircraft is within visual range.

I have no idea why it was taken out - and it aggravates the hell out of me

It is not a big deal to do - just editing the air_shp files

We can either make it part of the core - or have it as a separate patch
Really not fussed either way

But I am doing it - because I really hate the way it is setup at the moment
Max, you mean you're putting back in the Navigation Map icons for the planes?

I'm all for it. The fact that FOTRS removed them at the closer zoomed map views, yet left the outline of a triangle in for the wider zoomed map views doesn't make sense to me. These map icons are the only way we can get an idea that the SD Radar is working with the stock game (although with the radar set up as I've got it, you will "see" the faster plane blip crossing the PPI screen). I do wish the radioman could distinguish between the two different types of contacts....but as the stock game had the radar set up, only the SD radar picked up planes and represented them on the Nav Map. The A-Scope and PPI stations were only meant to show surface contacts (but, they did a very poor job of doing that!!).

If that's what you're doing, I'll do the same for my extra planes.

Frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing the ship icons back on the Nav Map either, instead of the dots. If a player wanted to remove them, the game "options" gives you the chance to not have any markers at all showing on the map. If your a stickler for realism, use the game option of "no map contacts" and put your big boy pants on..

AND, speaking of markers, I'm for putting back the orange marker that floats above the sub when its submerged. If your a purist for detail, you shouldn't be wanting to use the outside camera anyway for seeing what's what. The marker gives you a reference for those that wish to use the free camera. For those that think its shouldn't be using the free camera at all!

That's my two cents.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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