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Old 07-11-16, 06:24 PM   #3
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Thank you for the reply.

Actually, the heading bar is showing correctly on the top of the screen. I started looking around the files, and found the, which I believe is what is used for the Attack/Obs periscope images, and it contains the ticks (just like your screen capture does).

I believe I have the correct MODs installed (8.5 to 4.8 Aspect Ratio); the MOD list in my original post is a copy/paste from the Generic Mod Enable list.

I wondered if it was a problem with the resolution, so I went into the Game Menu and changed the resolution to 1024x768. At this new resolution, the ticks are displayed. So I am wondering if its a problem with the 1366x768 resolution (I play in a laptop, thus the weird resolution ratio)... I then took it a step further and connected the laptop to my television, using and HDMI cable. The TV is capable of 1920x1080@60Hz. I then activated the "OTC 6 to 9 ratio" mod, and before that disable/removed the 8.5 to 4.8. I went into the game, set the GRAPHICS OPTIONS resolution to 1920x1080@60Hz, and then exit and restart the game (I've noticed in the past that resolution changes requires a game restart). Started a test mission, and the Periscope had the ticks. Interesting enough, it did not have the TDC or the Position Keeper on the left or upper right parts of the screen (no tabs to pull them out either).

Anyway, I'll keep playing with the resolutions and see if I can figure out what it could be. I've tried already installing the game 2 times (and applying the MODs), so I don't believe this is one of my files is corrupt (but its always a possibility).

Again, THANK YOU for your detailed response.
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