Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 07-05-16, 08:05 AM   #492
Rockin Robbins
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Originally Posted by CapnScurvy View Post
So, is this change you've made in the v0.5 Alpha? If not, we need to get it into the mix. Since I'm almost done with my Optical/Interior work, it would be nice to know I'm working with the most current files when going through the Museum for possible issues.
Yes. All FOTRS 2.0 ships are now integrated into v.05Alpha, for better or worse. Known issues are the ConteVerde for British and German fleets, and the Nagara merchie. Everything else is.......pretty magnificent!

Originally Posted by CapnScurvy View Post
Has the Command Buttons (along the bottom of the HUD screen) been looked at? I know one thing that's at issue is the A-Scope and PPI radar buttons are switched (a stock game issue that wasn't addressed by FOTRS). Also, in this same vain, I'm wondering if anyone has had the "Range to turn" button actually work?? This is supposed to give you a measurement of how far you can go, at the current speed. Yet, I've never gotten the thing to work....the text box just reads "...not available". I'm suspecting this item MAY have worked at some point (maybe v1.4), but it doesn't seem to work with v1.5. Just wondering if anyone has gotten the thing to work as intended. If its a hard coded issue (which I think it is) we might as well get rid of the button....don't you think?
All those issues need to be investigated and squashed. I agree that a button with no function might as well be replaced by something useful.

I've been using TMOKeys so I can't comment on keyboard commands. I know radar depth has been a problem with the standard FOTRS keyboard. I know that when we went to v.05 keyboard commands should not have changed from v.04.


Originally Posted by CapnScurvy View Post
Double R, you played Avalon Hill's Midway game too!!! My buddies and I wore that game out! I wish I still had it.....threw it out with my baseball cards!! I could kick myself.
No kidding! It's the reason I still have most of the Japanese fleet memorized to this day. They could make a killing selling replicas to old codgers like us, while the whippersnappers would look at all the complex and sometimes overly complicated rules and turn based structure and......remember anvil attacks, where you could attack a unit from one direction, forcing all the AA fire to shoot him down while you did your main unopposed attack from another side? That one would drive the younguns absolutely crazy! I can hear it now "That makes no sense at all! You're telling me that the cruiser would expend all its effort to kill the one unit and leave 5 squadrons of torpedo planes from the other direction totally untouched?" At that point they would just spontaneously detonate. Forget about spontaneous combustion.

But Midway and Afrika Corps were my games, and I spent a terrible amount of time playing them!
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