Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 06-29-16, 04:43 PM   #369
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Thought I'd pass this on. I've been doing my own thing (sort of) with home duties and a problem I've encountered with the Keyboard commands. FOTRS has the Keyboard key "R" linked to "Snorkel Depth"....which for some reason they chose to produce a dive to 400 meters?! In doing so the Watch Officer will report "Dive Planes set for steep dive". In my keyboard configuration the "R" key will take you to "Radar Depth" where just the top of the shears are above water giving you radar capability while being partially submerged.....kind of a deep "decks a wash" position. All fine and good, until I couldn't for the life of me, find the link of the voice calling out the "Dive planes set for steep dive" every time the "R" key was ordered.

I finally tracked it down within the Data/Library/AnimGraphs/SO.dat file of the SO (Executive Officer). There are links within the "Orders" commands that link an .ogg speech file to a command like....."Snorkel Depth". I changed the file; made a "Radar Depth" speech .ogg file to run when you hit the "R" key; and things seem to be OK now.

My point is, this sound issue your encountering might be an .ogg speech file that FOTRS uses that's stuck for some reason in a loop....running in the background. Some of you have said its started when you encounter a plane? Perhaps its the Radarman's speech file (if that's whose doing the talking) that's hanging the sound?? His, or someones else's saying something like "Plane Spotted" may be the issue......or maybe one of the other speech phrases that are heard when you've been in this situation? Your talking about doing a crash dive.....maybe there's a problem there with the phrases?

Since FOTRS decided to add the Snorkel Depth command linked to a 400 meter deep dive....with the aninamated speech phrase's for the dive, it's only possible that they tried something that doesn't work as intended with another speech file command.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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