Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 06-21-16, 07:40 AM   #256
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Capn, I was messing around with binoculars and suddenly realized I was messing in your file! Could you do a simple tweak where binocular vision is actually obstructed when the conning tower, other crewmember, etc, is in the way?
Yes, I can. The "clipping" distance is where you tweak. I have no problem in putting in a smaller clipped distance to have the binoculars obstructed.

How about the TBT? Want it obscured as well? When I think of it, perhaps the TBT should be only covering the front, say, 240 degrees or so. The things are positioned on the front of the bridge on most way it can be used to the rear unless the Captain is standing in mid air. I'll see if that can be changed too.


2. Couldn't find a stopwatch to save my life, it was not the x key or any other letter on the keyboard that I could find.

3. All key commands were stock, nothing from TMO.
I've been putting together a keyboard modification for FOTRS. It will correct these two issues, plus others. I'll have a printable Keyboard Layout when I'm hang in there, its coming.

One thing I noticed, FOTRS has the "Snorkel Depth" set to 400 meters in the various sub .cfg files?? What the heck are they doing? I found this when I was looking at the keyboard command (which I'll use as a "Radar Depth" keyboard command). The "R" key command will put the sub at about half the SJ Radar antenna clearance above the water. The SD Radar will have the capability to toggle up/down using the "T" key (which FOTRS already has). This will give the sub the ability to stay completely submerged, yet run up the SD antenna for aircraft checks.


Well, "The Sound" is loud, and continues to occur after surfacing - or anything, for that matter. It sounds like someone is hitting a pipe with a pipe wrench, right next to you. However, I am interested in the sound you've encountered. What boat are you using in this case? Did you have to "go deep" before it sounded, or did it start immediately? Or only when submerged, like some sound is emulating a bent fan blade, and that fan only "runs" while submerged?

HMMMMMM!! I'm wondering out loud?

I've run into the file of an "interior.fanblade" in the subs .dsd file......yet in the v1.3 of FOTRS no such .wav file exists. So, in v1.3 no such sound is present. I'm not at home now to look (babysitting duties today) does the file exist in the sounds folder of v2.0? If that's the file your working with (or playing in-game) maybe that's exactly what your hearing. I think I would remove the .wav file from the sound folder and try to see if that's not the problem sound? If it is, we can do without the fan blades sound!

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"

Last edited by CapnScurvy; 06-21-16 at 07:52 AM.
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