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Old 06-09-16, 06:07 PM   #8
Join Date: Apr 2016
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Someone correct me, when on the surface, and you have the watch officer gives you a range to the nearest ship, it can be off by +/- 100 meters as the distance goes. Pretty good; really...

Most of what I have observed (once I got to 100 percent realism settings) is that most of the numbers one collects will have a margin of error in them (unless it is later in the war where you have radar and active sonar).

So just setup your shots to make up for a margin of error.

For example, if for some reason I just can't get the speed of the target correct, I am going to fire a spread of torpedoes either via the switch control on the torpedo management page or manually shoot at slightly different angles.

History will back you up on that.

Very little of the numbers I collect are accurate. For example: visually guessing angle-on-the-bow.

I won't hit with everything.... and that is OK also. Part of the game.

"Auf gefechtsstationen!"

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