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Old 05-11-16, 06:44 AM   #14
Von Due
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Originally Posted by Aquelarrefox View Post
is there some mod to fix the sometimes "too acurate pinging" for GWX, worst data?

i have a question related with destroyer hydrophone. using gwx. weather afects their detection by hydro? i bealive that yes but im not sure if the speed of destroyer also decrease detection capacity.

yesterday i saw a destroyer, good weather, mybe 9000-10000, i go persicope depth. i saw later he goes 9-10 kt. in a moment i get flank, destroyer couldnt be nearest of 8000. Instactly start to zig zag and start the hunt. no deep water, type2, yah know im dead. How the hell it can detect me, its so noisy at 8000 the electric engine at flank?

An yes, when start to serch by group, the scape become to be a really problem. I dont undestand why uboats dont get some mines as countermeasure, if they drop some mines posible the destroyer would blow in the air during the serch or the pinging path. Mybe was too dangerous add some mines over the boat.
What I have found is that even if you can hear the pinging, if it is weak, that does not necessarily mean they are on to you. Often you will not be detected. If the pinging grows louder however, then you have a situation.
Problem is a non situation can turn into a situation in just a couple of seconds, especially if you have your broadside facing the sonar.

Early in the war, diving to about 110 meters or more will force them to lose you early enough for you to have a good chance of either them missing your position or you having time to move out of harms way before the depth charges reach your depth.

Later in the war 110 might not be deep enough and in the last year or 2 you will have to put the crush depth to the test, to get away from their sonar/hedgehog combo.

As for their and your hydrophone detection range, I am honestly a bit puzzled. I have had merchants and warships at 5000 meters on clear days where my sound man could not hear the ship. On other days with poorer weather he picked up the ships at great distances. Depth should matter but I am not sure how consistent it is in the game.

There is something not right about their ability to detect you vs the noise you make vs the noise they make. I have managed to approach destroyers to about 2000 meters at 150 RPM while they were going medium speed, other times they detected me while I was at 50 RPM they going medium speed.

In real life, a destroyer going flank would only detect a submarine (except for sonar) if it crashed into one. Its own noise would completely drown any sound coming from the sub. In the game, they have been able to detect me while they were at flank speed and I was going full ahead, at ranges of about 8000 meters.

In short, it seems to me the game is a bit inconsistent when it comes to the AI's ability to detect by hydrophone. Sometimes it's somewhat realistic, other times the SH2 Marvel Comics Superdestroyers have made a return.

As for mines: In real life, the subs could be fitted to deploy mines but those would be more special operations missions. I don't think mines were ever used offensively or in self defence.
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