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Old 01-19-16, 05:27 PM   #1659
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by Xall View Post
Wow that is brutal.
I hope that, the gunners will not automatically engage any lifeboats or survivors!
Captures the horrors of war really well.

Good work. Sure stirs up emotions, I hope I will never accidentally ram or hit any survivors.

And since we are on this topic, will there be options for positive/honorable actions?
Here are some ideas:
- Stopping a ship, which puts the crew into life boats before sinking the ship.
- Option to give your own life boat to the survivors.
- Fire a flare at night so other ships can come to aid the survivors.
- Sending a S.O.S message for the survivors via wireless, giving away your position in the process.
- Giving first aid supplies.

And by doing any of these, the U-Boat commander receives a few renown points.
Essentially the opposite of killing or doing any violent actions towards survivors.
The problem is linking these actions to renown. Although your ideas are interesting and I'd love to include them, I have no way of implementing them with the main SH4 modeling tools...except for one, which I may reveal later. In the coming weeks, expect some surprising new ways you can get renown in the game.

With respect to allowing crews to abandon ship first, some ships carrying contraband will automatically lower lifeboats once your submarine approaches. You will get neither a penalty nor a bonus when this occurs. Late in the war, most enemy ships will be armed and camouflaged, and can be sunk without warning.
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