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Old 01-18-16, 08:59 AM   #361
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Hi - just returned to SH3 after many years of modding SH4. I have a GWX install running and decide to give LSH 2015 a go. Luv the look and feel of it ... however ... the look of the Sea just doesn't "do it" for me. I run either MEP V5 or Sh5 water for GWX when running GWX and when I compare with LSH 2015 water .... the LSH look is just not as good... so couple of questions;

1) What environment mod (if any) does LSH 2015 include ? and
2) Is it possible to load MEP V5 (and will I lose any LSH features. I did see in the release notes for MEP that it works with LSH V5 .. but doesn't mention LSH 2015.
3) Could there be a problem with my LSH install causing water to not look like MEP ?
4) Anyone tried the SH5 water with LSH 2015 ?

For me the water look is quite a big deal ... I always hated the stock SH3 water and compared with MEP and Sh5, the LSH water looks too close to stock (very pastel like, flat, featureless).

Thanks in advance for any replies. Other than the water, loving the look & feel, even though my laptop seems to hate the loading times :-)
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