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Old 01-05-16, 07:19 PM   #10
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Icon10 Cel nav?

How about realistic navigation?

No need to hassle with coding a sextant into the game...
The player would have the option of having his/her submarine NOT displayed in the nav map to give up the real location. How to proceed then? There could be a "position display" in the options menu such as:

Choose to display the current position in the following formats:

S 23.66165
W 46.67755

S 23 39.699'
W 46 40.653'

S 23 39' 41.9"
W 46 40' 39.2"

Notice that the decimal format is the one which gives away less hint about the true position of the sub. The other two formats provide more detail especially about the minutes of lat/lon.

After writing down the position in decimal format I would simply copy it into a program that simulates any star's position in a given Date and location such as Stellarium ( and from there change the date and time for the actual in-game then work my way into performing Celestial Nav. Then mark my new assumed position on the nav map then proceed with my navigation. Stellarium does accept the decimal format in the location field.

Rulers, protractor, compass, circle radius, markers, parallel rulers are also welcomed to have those for use as tools in the nav map just like in the SH series. I'm posting this also in the WOTAS' Facebook page as well.

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