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Old 12-13-15, 11:58 AM   #500
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by Schroeder View Post
No more massive mosques. No more special rights for Muslims (they can slaughter animals here in ways that are violating our animal protection laws but religious freedom trumps animal rights...). No more mass immigration of Muslims.
Immediate deportation of radical preachers and criminals without a German passport (regardless of religion). You come to this country you follow our rules, period!
That's how I would do it. No violence. No concentration camps, no harassment for the average Muslim John Doe who just wants to get by.
I would say that banning large mosques is going a bit too far, but the rest is fair enough, except for where you say no more mass immigration of Muslims. Now, what about if these are Muslims who are fleeing from the radical Muslims that you're looking to stop?
Going back to our 1937 Germany comparison of earlier, Jewish Germans fleeing Germany, do we take them in? Even though they're from a nation run by the Nazi ideology, but they are in fact victims of that ideology rather than followers of it.
How do you split the two?

So you also think we should stop being against Nazism? After all all that you said is also perfectly applicable towards Nazism....
Same thing, two scales.
Fair point, fair point. To be honest, I would say yes, in the manner in which Germany has prosecuted against Nazi symbolism and such. To be honest, many people in Germany are leaning towards Nazism anyway, just not towards Jews anymore since that's already been done. Look at PEGIDA, they're not against Jews and yet a keynote speaker (a Turk) at one of their rallies calling for the removal of Muslims from Germany says that "there were other alternatives - but unfortunately the concentration camps are out of order at the moment."
Now, no-one has banned PEGIDA even though it's heading down the NASDAP path, heck even the head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany can see the problems inherant in it, "He stated that the fear of Islamist terror was being exploited to disparage an entire religion. For him this was unacceptable."

And what is the alternative? Just bending over and take it?
Have I ever said that? No, the alternative is rational reaction, not flocking to the extreme left and right as Europe is doing now, and as it did back in the 20s and 30s. Let the refugees come, police the borders certainly, restrict them if necessary, house the refugees in temporary camps and work through them carefully and with the help of all nations of the EU, before rehoming them equally across the EU.

Trump is an idiot and setting up camps is stupid (and I've never advocated that). I do have a problem with imprisoning extremists though and that is that they will get free again after a few years. Deportation is the only solution I see for them to prevent them from doing their thing in my country.
Deport them where though, and how do you stop them coming back?
I'll admit now that I misattributed the camp project to Trump, I've seen since that he wants them all banned from entering the US rather than put in camps, but he did want all Muslims to carry ID cards if I recall correctly.
That's a step down a dangerous road in my book, and that's how these things start, when we accept that such steps are necessary, when the extreme becomes the normal.

Read again. I've never said that all Muslims are evil scumbags, I repeatedly said that the ideology is evil.
It's the same as with Nazi Germany. Not every German was/is a scumbag but the ideology that ruled the place was highly dangerous and evil and made a lot of people commit atrocities. Just like Islam.
And the anti-Islam ideology isn't dangerous either? I find that reacting to extremism with extremism is hardly a wise choice of action.
I guess if we want to keep with the World War II analogies then yes, every Muslim is a threat because they follow the evil ideology of Islam and should be treated as such, being isolated from society and interned in camps until it can be determined that they're not going to explode. After all, that's what America did in World War II, it's what we did in World War II to any Germans or people of German descent, including the German Jews who had fled to the UK seeking refuge from Nazi Germany.
I thought we were better than that, but I guess I was wrong. It's just a pity that we have to watch history repeat itself again, but what else would I expect from the human race, I suppose?
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