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Old 11-20-15, 03:37 PM   #14
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Some other things

Germany reintroduce military service

brief summary about how I would imagine the story up to the first shot in this "WWII all over again"

2019/2021, Somewhere between these 3 years, most of the German Bundestag is killed in a air crash, even the Chancellor, Minister of Interior, Minister of Defense is among the dead. An extra election is held and a new unknown man enter the political scene

His politics is very right wing.

Some year later-England, France, Poland, Denmark, Norway-who in my story became member of EU in 2018, and some other country, leave EU, because of this new German leader.

Germany, Spain, Sweden and some other country stay and try to keep EU together-Some years later-This fail

Some year later-Germany, Italy, Romania +3-4 other country leave NATO, not so long after Germany ask USA, England and France to withdraw their troops who's on German ground. And Germany reintroduce military service

Not so long after
Germany and those who left NATO create a new political and military alliance

About the campaign and the scenarios

These Idea I have, I don't know if its possible

Germany-Poland crisis/war-this could very well be a 2-part scenario, where the player will be tasked with 5-10 assignments and when they have been has been obtained. the next 5-10 task is given and the player can't play part number 2 and/or 3 before these task(points)has been reached
(in part two-the declaration of war will come from England and France)

So that was the storyline idea of the way to the first shot and who I imagine who the player is given task in the scenario.

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