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Old 11-04-15, 05:47 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by Kapitain Oliver Leinkraunt View Post
If you want to help us in the campaign talk Sidstotm and if you want, can you help me with historical informations about French/Vichy French/Free French navies operations during ww2 in Atlantic Ocean and Med. Sea please?
An important information for all people that saw this thread: Please vote this thread and write your opinions about the mod and please help us please: we need some modders that help us in the making of some ships or subs models or some that help me with historical informations about med campaign/red campaign/atlantic campaign and black campaign (1940-1943) or some that help sidslotm in the making of the campaign and single missions/patrols or cibermat47 in the making of the captain office or italian sub interiors and menus.
sorry for my bad english
Sure, I can help edit files for the campaign and get info on french naval operations(I guess most of this will be written in french and hey, I speak french) EDIT: I'm going to look at the starting operations(June 1940) when I get home tonight.

I'll PM Sidslotm and ask him what he needs help with.
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