Thread: (•u• )7
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Old 06-24-15, 11:00 AM   #1
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Default (•u• )7

Hello submarinaters! Subsim greenhorn Fenrir reporting for duty.

While I'm not a history buff or technical study, I've had a long standing fascination with submarines, and submarine stories (with an unsurprising fondness for Type VIIish U-boats in specific). I probably haven't put in as much time/effort as most of you- but I mean really, anyone who suffers through Seaquest DSV more than once probably should be here, don't you think?

As you can probably guess from the timing, I just picked up Silent Hunter 3, 4, 4.5, and 5 on the recent Steam Sale. I've barely scratched 3 so far (I ran through the movement tutorial/exam). In doing some worktime research (sssh) I stumbled here and found out about all the work folks have done modding SH3.

Last night I grabbed S3F and ran it, followed by it's 4g patch. I then (mistakenly?) tried to use it to put in H.sie and JSGME. After much banging my head against my keyboard and topic bouncing, I used S3F to create a copy of the steam install (with 4g patch) to a custom directory on C. After which I tried again with H.sie and JSGME via S3F, then performing H.sie manually on both (unsuccessfully). I then manually put in JSGME, and tried using that to implement H.sie also with no success.

I'm debating wiping both copies and just starting fresh at this point.

Alternatively, I saw some folks note that GWX works with stock steam SH3. So I'd welcome any suggestions on what makes the most sense, or clarification on processes. OR another thought I had after watching some youtab videos is maybe it would make more sense to start with SH5? I know it's not quite as well received but for a noob would you suggest starting there since I gather it's a bit more accessible- and then introducing the more intense realism/trigonometry: the game stuff after getting my feet wet so to speak?

Edit: I see more clearly now that the current S3F should perform the H.sie update. I'm going to press the H.sie button and let it sit until I get a notice or it's tomorrow. (the program appears to close, but a process is left running?) After that works/fails I'll try GWX, and then after that works/fails I'll come back to whine/relate my success.

Last edited by FenrirOE; 06-24-15 at 05:25 PM. Reason: Learning more every day
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