Thread: [WIP] Day of Infamy
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Old 05-18-15, 03:26 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by fred8615 View Post
Like RSRDC, but "better?" Are you also changing the campaign start dates, like in my Pre Pearl Harbor mod? Or will I need to create a version to go with your mod?

This looks very interesting. If there's anything I can help with, let know.
Yes, exactly.....but better!

That's a tall order though, Lurker was a master at Campaign construction. I have the utmost respect for him, and his work!!

However, there are some loop holes that got past him that I'd like to fill. I found one of his routes soon after leaving one of the Northern Japan ports, crossed right through a small island in the bay. That ship will never follow its route if it runs aground just after spawning. Another issue was the many waypoints he incorporated into his routes.......with speed changes made between each waypoint. As I've found out, a ship dropping below half its Maximum Speed set in its .sim file will not be heard by you, the player, using the Hydrophone. You won't hear a thing, even if the ship is within visual sight. That's something we just don't expect to happen when manually using passive sonar.

There's a couple of other things to repair/replace I'd like to do with the Campaign missions or historical battles. AND YES, I would like to start the game earlier....before December 7th, to incorporate a mission to hunt/find the Pearl Harbor Task Force after the attack. This would mean making a detailed mission of the Nagumo Task Force, and having a sub put into harms way.

Fred8615, if you already have an early start to the Campaign game, I would like to use it. I would appreciate any help you could provide! My feelings about mods are.....the less you have activated, the better things will run. As long as mods are compatible with each other, things go well, Start cobbling mods together, without throughly checking, things can get out of hand quickly. Leaving the user to scratch his head.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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