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Old 05-01-15, 06:03 AM   #42
Deviant Deviations
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Well I hate to be the turd in the punch bowl....but...

I really don't see where SH5 has hurt UBI at all.

They have one of the top 3 selling titles for the PS4 right now with Far Cry, which is also still in the top 10 for PS3.
Their Rainbow series still sells and plays very well, Assasins Creed is still a #1 seller for all systems.
Watch Dogs was something totally different and has a replay value that very few games have.
The Might and Magic series has a very dedicated group of followers, I don't know to many younger people who don't (or at least at one time did) have at least one version of Rocksmith. Splinter Cell was also another top selling franchise.

So to think that botching one very niche release or even 2 or 3 really hurt them is absolutely ridiculous.
UbiSoft is a business and even if they made the best Subsim ever known it's sales would be maybe...maybe 1/100th
of their other major titles. So in reality I think about 3/4th through SH5 the people with the money put the
big red X on the development of the game. It's not the dev's fault!!!
If you were at work working on a project and your supervisor came to you and said "Stop wasting time on this project, we're
scrapping it" my guess would be you would move on to whatever they told you the next project was.
Yet the people with the money wanted some return so they released it! Once again not the dev's fault!!!

I see some people mentioning DCS. While I do think it's a great platform lets not forget the scandal with DCS WWII: Europe 1944.
I was one of the donators that was supposed to be at a level to receive several free aircraft modules, then the project was "sold"
to Eagle Dynamics. After EG took over they cut the originally promised rewards by 50%+ and claimed they were not responsible for refunds
or rewards originally made by RRG Development. Even though EG now owns RRG and used it's kickstarter funds for development of said title.

If anyone really wants to put out a good Subsim I would suggest looking at the way Kerbal Space Program was developed.
Years and years of beta's and listening to the end consumer with tweaks and upgrades along the way and those of us who
sprang the $30 for the early release got the final release as an update (just this week). I would also hazard a guess that
the guys at Squad made very little if anything and did it more for the love of the project!

Sorry for the rambling, Been off work on disabilty for quite a few weeks and half a bottle of Glen Livet's will do that
to a guy!!!!


Edit: Sorry for the spacing, wrote this in notepad and didn't realize it would look like that!! heh
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