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Old 02-22-15, 10:05 AM   #10
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Been splitting my time between UE4 and C++ its amazing what UE4 can do at first glance I hated it now I dont know how Unity will survive. No updates to my models though, I havn't started Blender in over a week now.

Edit: Thats a lie, I did some normal map baking today because the 3000# HPA valve tree was around 60,000 polys and everything else was less than 30,000. Not interesting though unless you want to see pictures of random purple colored shapes.

Found a good idea for creating thermoclines

 public float GetOceanTemperatureForDepth(float depth)
        return (this._oceanTemperature * ((depth >= 0f) ? 1f : this._oceanTemperatureThermocline.Evaluate(Mathf.Abs((float) (depth * 0.0078125f)))));

    private void InitializeOceanTemperature()
        this._oceanTemperatureThermocline.keys = null;
        float num = 0.0001428571f;
        float num2 = 0.01333333f;
        this._oceanTemperatureThermocline.AddKey(0f, 75f * num2);
        this._oceanTemperatureThermocline.AddKey(500f * num, 68f * num2);
        this._oceanTemperatureThermocline.AddKey(700f * num, 53.6f * num2);
        this._oceanTemperatureThermocline.AddKey(900f * num, 46.4f * num2);
        this._oceanTemperatureThermocline.AddKey(1250f * num, 41.8f * num2);
        this._oceanTemperatureThermocline.AddKey(1500f * num, 41f * num2);
        this._oceanTemperatureThermocline.AddKey(2000f * num, 40.1f * num2);
        this._oceanTemperatureThermocline.AddKey(3500f * num, 39.2f * num2);
        this._oceanTemperatureThermocline.AddKey(7000f * num, 33.8f * num2);
Then we could just have static ones at set depths or lerping between them.
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Last edited by nsomnia; 02-23-15 at 08:09 AM.
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