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Old 02-22-15, 01:59 AM   #9
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Default As GoldenRivet said.

As GoldenRivet quoted the other day.

Look at Steam. For example.

Esp. When they or gamers, tag games as "Simulators" in their Stores section.

Most Sims now are games, not Sims, now days.
Look at the amount of First Shooter Games, not just from Steam, either.

Some, are not about, planning, or plotting, or weather (or in the case of space one's, solar weather etc.) affecting you or your character or vehicle.

But to be fair, some point and click games, like other types, aren't all about point and shoot.

I also, like some that don't require you to kill a target, all the time.

Like: Take on Mars, Julia beyond the stars. Ship Sim and Train Sim and even that is changing to a more arcade type game. See their forum and they will tell you similar.

But getting back to the point, as GoldenRivet and others, have pointed out. It's sad that Sunsims, are going by the way side.
And Fleet type, is going in a FPS only direction that not even they, like how you all play SH series, where you have to locate plot, courses, make ready your sub, for your target. Noting that weather and even ocean currents subs movements can affect your eel, making it's mark.

But, that seems, to be the thing, with games out there, now.
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