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Old 01-20-15, 08:07 PM   #4278
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Default fantastic!

Hi guys!

Have not introduced myself yet eventhough I am visiting this forum quite often and downloaded a few very fine mods already to get the best experience from sh3 and sh4. I really have to emphasize this, but you guys are just awesome. This is the kind of community that I was looking for on all the seven seas :P
The reason why I am posting here in this mod thread is that, I am really astonished how good the TMO mod is.

I will write more about my patrols on the warpatrol thread, because I know that it does not belong here, but I have to share my experience from my first war patrol in the good ol uss trout, especially because it points out the shock and awe I had about the realism that this mod creates that, I have never experienced in another mod so far. (it's only a brief one).

So I was cruising close honshu around december 25th 1941 and was very confident because I had 6 bow tubes fully loaded, a pretty dark night and my lookouts report a merchant. So I thought to myself: sweet, my first kill of the just started war. I am very new to the pacific as a theater of submarine warfare (always focused on the battle of the atlantic), so I stopped the engine, waited with decks awash for the 90 ° angle and fired off one torpedo. I sat back and watched first with exitement the runway of the eel. All over sudden I realised that something was wrong. The torpedo turned hard starboard, so I quickly checked the tdc again just to make sure if I hadnt messed up the necessary details but all seemed fine. So i switched back to the bridge and saw now with horror that the torpedo had switched directions. Instead of running straight in to the juicy merchant who was moving very slow at 6 knots it was heading now back into my direction. I followed it closely with the binoculars and the freecam as well just to see it passing on my starboard sight and then turning sharp again coming back into the direction of my still not moving sub. I then panicked and ordered a crash dive. The merchant saw the water breaking of the conning tower or might even heard the diesel engines, he caught me immediately with his searchlights and opened fire with his 20 mm aa guns.
Luckily I was able to dive down without too much damage and I even dodged my own torpedo.
Under water I just realised what had happend and then started investigating the us torpedo crisis which is implement in TMO as well. Now after this incident I had duds, and early explosions and the low running of the mk 14 but never experienced that horror again. Was even the returning torpedo implement? If so, then I am just really amazed about this wicked feature!

So now I just realised that this post became way longer then anticipated, but I really have to say thank you for all your work guys not even the TMO mod is great, there are of course a lot of good mods that I just didnt had the time to test yet, but the support, dedication, love, effort and SUPPORT for new guys like me is just brilliant. thank you

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