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Old 11-25-14, 05:18 AM   #2210
Roger Dodger
Sonar Guy
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Originally Posted by moha14881 View Post
I actually run into a juicy convoy, maneuver and try to get a shot only to be interrupted by a DD. 250ft makes them loose their DCs!! When I go periscope depth I find myself surrounded by 7+ DDs all zigzagging! Merchants are like going 14+ knots and zig! No way to catch'em at 8:9 knots!! Any Idea to position well!
Start plotting their base course and speed on the navigation map as soon as you make contact. If surfaced, you can spot them out to 12-13 miles (RADAR will be even better). With three plots, you can get a pretty good idea where they will be going, and you can plot an intercept course. Head for the intercept point. Use the dividers tool to draw a circle around the intercept point 1000 yds in radius. Don't stay surfaced after they get within 5 miles of you. Less than 5 miles they can pick you up. When you reach the edge of your circle, ALL STOP, and just wait for them. You might even want to make a turn towards the target about 45 degrees to give yourself a better chance to set up a longer shot.

Now you can use your attack map to determine how many targets there are. If escorted, the lead DD's SONAR line will be moving rapidly back and forth. You can even (while at silent running and all stopped) dive to around 250-300 feet. Wait for him to go by, and press 'P' to rise to periscope depth. If you time this right, you should be able to get a quick lock on a target with the scope. Try to get your lock within 10 seconds, otherwise you could be spotted. Down scope, and start firing when you get a solution (I usually shoot two per target). Once the torps leave the tubes, raise the scope and start your setup on the next target (10 seconds). Remember, if you get a hit on the first target, you will get unwanted attention from every DD in the area.

If you can get a shot at a second target, take the shot and boogie outta there. Pull the plug and go as far down as possible without engines. Try not to start the engines until you are down below 200 feet. 1/3 ahead at silent running under 200 feet and making a 90 degree turn to either side of your torpedo track might fool 'em. Or not, depending on Poseidon's humor that day.

Getting away from any escorts is now up to you. Only one escort is much easier to avoid than six at once.

Good luck.
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