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Old 09-17-14, 05:40 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Jeff-Groves View Post
Thanks for reminding me why I left in the first place.
"I read somewhere"
Pretty much explains your point of view. I mean if you read it on the 'Net?
It must be true.

Should I prove my shooting skills to you? Nope. Don't think I'll bother.
You'd only claim the targets were rigged and I have people all over the U.S.A. that send AG's to me to work on.
Of course that's only me saying it's true and you'll find issues with that.
Have a nice day.
I can provide a reliable link that proves my statement. Of course judging from your apparent attitude it must be incorrect.

What I find issue with is how you in this thread have done nothing more than brag about how skilled you are and how stupid the assailant must be. I never claimed that you could not shoot so I am unsure why you think I would want you to prove how good or bad you actually are. I have no interest in watching you shoot so it is a good thing you have no desire to show me.

At the end of the day you accuse me believing anything I read as the truth while you so far have provided no verifiable facts yourself on anything you claim which in effect has nothing much to do with the topic at hand.

The reason that I did not provide any link in my previous post was because I was tired and about to go to sleep and I was using my phone and I just felt lazy.

I suggest if you dislike me or what I have to say you make use of the ignore function. I will also pass on having a private message conversation with you.Just letting you know seeing as you keep pestering Tribesman.

Another source is a retired New York City PD homicide detective who a personal friend.
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