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Old 08-18-14, 07:09 PM   #21
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The very strong indices that the Swedish case is a constructed plot has been repeatedly explained two years ago. And I did that back then, too.

That all that soo fast and so comfortably has been forgotten - or better: gets intentionally ignored again - just illustrates how deep the desire for simple revenge is in many people.

On the Swedish women, their dubious, highly suspicious background also has been pointed out.

Sexual accusations are a formidable tool of diffaming. Support of the crowds is certain - their slobbering mouths as well.

The American operation to minimise any future impacts by Assange by discrediting him and keeping him running, already has achieved its main goal, however: Assange has been seriously isolated from his former support basis, and his resources have been seriously drained, with the man also having personally lost stamina.

I never understood this blind loyalty many people have for their nations, even if it plays foul. To me it is the servility of dogs that do not like to be stripped of their illusions how good and shiny their master is. I do not respoect it one bit. A foul is a foul, even when own team commits it. Assange was the first bringing to the awareness of a very huge crowd the level to which the powers believed to be "good" are playing foul even against their own people. Snowden continued there. Are they heroes? No, and what drives Assange I do not know, I do not like him and somethign about him keeps me alarmed, but I judge his case on the probability of scneairos for the Swedish claims and the importance of what he has achieved with wikileaks. Snowden is different, seems to be a man who maybe was a bit naive, maybe not, but who in the end followed a strong call by his conscience - might it be idealistic or not. Criminals ore "traitors" none of the two are, imo. Just two detemrined people who dared to break a taboo and reveal the dirt under own government's carpets. And the sight of how dirty it is there, indeed is frightening.
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