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Old 06-20-14, 06:41 AM   #233
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Originally Posted by Loki_Cat View Post
Seeing Norway modeled in the game would be nice, since it did have submarines, even if they were Diesel-Electric. The Naval bases would be Oslo, Narvik and (maybe) Trondheim. Their prefix would be HNoMS and they were a member of NATO, so they would team with the western powers. Their Narvik base would make the Soviet games in the north more challenging. I also believe that systems fail too often to be realistic, and that some Diesel submarines would be cool as well. There should be a penalty for sinking neutral shipping in this, like they declare war or something of that sort.
Thanks for the info, I'll add Norway straight away. It's already possible to make diesel submarines in the sub editor by the way but it is kind of tricky - one day soon I'll make one and release it, maybe a Soviet Kilo or Tango class to begin with.

And yes, simulating diplomacy is something I've been intending to add for a long time. I'll make it so that sinking a neutral or friendly ship has a chance to cause an international incident, which may result in the owner declaring war (especially if it happens more than once). There will have to be some modifiers depending on how important the sunken ship was, how close the countries are and how strong each county is - for example, it's pretty unlikely that a Warsaw Pact member like Poland would suddenly join NATO and declare war on the USSR over a single sunken cargo ship.

In other news, I've completely overhauled the mouse controls to be faster and more intuitive. You can now left click a crewman to select him then right click to order him around, like in real-time strategy games. A menu will then pop up allowing you to choose what order to give. A quick demo:

Last edited by TheGeoff; 06-20-14 at 08:35 AM.
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