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Old 06-18-14, 09:43 AM   #227
Join Date: Jun 2014
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While playing, I have had several ideas that might be a good fit for the game.

  • Seawater in your submarine should have far more severe consequences.
    After being hit by an enemy missile, my entire generator room flooded. All I had to do was evacuate my men, equip two with breathing devices, fix the hull and turn on the bilge pumps. Problem solved. In a real submarine, I doubt it would be this easy. For one, those computer systems would be severely damaged, if not destroyed. And my men could easily pass through the bulkhead doors, and the water politely stayed in the generator room, even though the water was at 2 meters height. I have no idea how submarines work, but I imagine those bulkhead doors would not open until the water was removed. At least, that's what I see in videogames/movies.

    What should have happened: the entire room locked down, and if I don't act quickly those men trapped inside will drown. All machines in the room stop functioning and the damage percentage ramps up until it's at 100%.
  • Maybe lift the economy system of Silent Hunter 5?
    At the moment, wrecking your sub and finding most of your crew dead means you go back to your starting port and press shift+r. All damage is fixed, and your men replaced. You lose their equipment though. How about an economy system, where sinking enemy ships and completing objectives nets you renown/money/whatever, which you can spend at friendly ports? If you haven't sunk enough enemies or followed enough radio orders, why on earth would your commanding officers supply you with a fresh submarine and more men after you damaged your previous sub and killed many men with barely anything to show for it?
  • How about some descriptions next to the items in the storage?
    I have no idea what thick leather gloves do. How about some item descriptions?
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