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Old 05-21-14, 09:18 AM   #934
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Actually I found a place where this mod (version 1.3) can be downloaded from:

Installed it and it's working fine.

However and to be honest I'm not enjoying how the AI for the destroyers is working in the mod since the enemy destroyers can too easily and unrealistically detect my sub! For example, they can detect me if I'm rigged for silent running and below a thermal layer - No way a WWII Japanese destroyer could detect a sub in such conditions!! I found that running without being silent and at Flank speed below a Thermal layer is actually easier since my sub is as easily detectable (being silent or Flank, doesn't matter) but at least I have some chances of evading enemy Destroyers and their depth charges!
Besides, those Japanese destroyers can engage me with depth charges even if I'm below 250 feet or at 300 feet which again is unrealistic since the Japanese depth charges were set to explode at a maximum depth of 200 feet (Japanese didn't think that any sub could dive deeper than 200 feet) and thus this is being a very frustrating gameplay and I honestly I prefer the stock SH4 Ai for destroyer much more since unrealistic stuff like this doesn't happen.

However I enjoy this mod since it gives the US side a correct list of airplanes (no more Lancaster Bombers as the only patrol and bomber, adds Wildcats, B-24s, P-38s, Catalinas, etc...) and from what I read it also reduces the number of Japanese air patrols during the campaign which is also a great thing!
So what I would like is to be able to play with this mod BUT using the stock AI for Destroyers, is this possible? If yes, how?

Thanks in advance for any replies...
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