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Old 05-02-14, 07:17 AM   #11
Urist McSubmariner
Join Date: May 2014
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Ah, I love this game! Came here from RockPaperShotgun and started playing from v0.21

First voyage in v0.22, departed Odessa at periscope depth and 25kts, then got shelled to pieces by a Turkish destroyer. Spent some time contemplating life while stuck to the seabed in the Sea of Marmara; eventually patched enough leaks to float again and headed back Odessawards, this time aggressively torpedoing every enemy warship. I didn't take further damage, but did sink a few more times. Oxygen dropped to critical levels and I barely got to the surface in time to purge, which was surprising, as the reactors and generators were functional and electrolysis was running. Two crewmen survived, who turned out to be those wearing SCBA - very useful!

I really like the improved weapons modelling in v0.22 - and those SCBAs

I have a couple of questions:

- currently can asphyxiating crew recover? I have never observed an unconscious crew member get better.

- would it be possible to have a visual indication of whether or not a bilge pump is running?

- would it be feasible to have a centralised bilge pump control station? Perhaps in addition to the current direct control?

You're making the game I always wanted to play - thanks
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