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Old 03-15-14, 11:28 PM   #11139
Black Magic
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v7.5.0 test version 16 available here:

v7.5.0 - fixed bug in TDWMouse.dll that could cause python exception to be thrown
- redid destroyed marks
- made the whole left side of the NavMap features window draggable so that those users whose screen resolution is small can still view the whole window by dragging it up/down
- added a new order to the engineer's orders: electrics only. When this is clicked and enabled then propulsion will be limited to electric propulsion only (requires patch from Generic Patcher enabled for this)
- removed old sextant. Added a new sextant to the game. The sextant is used by calling up the Sextant window from the Navigator's order bar. This requires the Stadimeter being used as sextant patch to be enabled in the Generic Patcher. To use the sextant: call up Sextant window, place the scope reference line on the horizon, press the Enable sextant button in the Sextant window, press the Stadimeter button (little button above the TDC range dial), place green reference line on object wanting angle of, read out angle in the sextant window
- added two additional add-on mods: NewUIs_TDC_7_5_0_gap_Sextant_Mask_Eye_Reflection and NewUIs_TDC_7_5_0_gap_Sextant_Mask_No_Eye_Reflectio n. These can be used to set a mask for the Sextant (by default the sextant has no mask - just open display)
- added a new user option that controls the starting and minimum width of the messagebox. Minimum width is 180.0. Default is 315.0 (stock size). (MessageBoxMinimumWidth)
- revised Automation so that it dynamically 'loads' the commands for the script when script is played. When script is stopped the commands are 'unloaded' to free memory. This dramatically reduces the memory used with all the scripts loaded in.
- when Disable sextant is clicked in the sextant window it will also disable the sextant window now
- fixed bug of being able to close sextant window while sextant was active (if this happened then there was no way to deactivate sextant!)
- fixed bug of button for using sextant disappearing after using the sextant
- added a new icon to the engineer order category: diveplanes
- added a new orders bar: diveplanes. This has the orders for controlling the diveplanes (if the manual diveplanes patch is enabled of my Generic Patcher)
- fixed problem of depth bar not rendering if the add-on mod NewUIs_TDC_7_5_0_AltAdvSpeedGraphics_by_naights was enabled
- fixed bug of after using Sextant none of the order bars would be visible and camera zoom was 'zoomed'
- fixed bug of tutorials always showing corrupt in the main menu

I also updated all the applications in \data\Applications and added two new ones

As always let me know of any problems. If no problems are reported I'll finally make this a releasable version (after finalizing the diveplane dials)

NOTE: in order to have manual control of the diveplanes you need at least v1.0.157.0 of my Generic Patcher enabled

Using v1.0.157.0 of my Generic Patcher you should have no problems leaving manual control of diveplanes enabled when exiting to main menu, loading a save game, returning to bunker, etc. I also had the mod force automatic diveplane control on start game, end game, and game state switched just to be ultra safe

Diveplane dials are finalized with gaps 3rd version of the diveplane dials. The diveplane icons were also changed to gap's new style.

Fore diveplanes have a range of -35 to +25
Aft diveplanes have a range of -30 to +30

What I'm unsure of is do the angle of the diveplanes match the numbers? i.e. - if fore diveplane is positioned so that if the sub is moving forward it will force the nose down is that + or - value? Same with aft diveplane.
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