Thread: New MOD soup...
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Old 01-15-14, 06:35 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by HertogJan View Post
1) TriggerMaru_Overhaul v2.5
2) TMO 2.5 Small Patch
3) RSRD_TMO v502
4) RSRD v5xx Patch 1
5) 1.5 Optical Targeting Correction 031312 for RSRD v502
6) Traveller Mod v2.6 TMO
7) Traveller Mod 2.6 OTC 1.5 Patch
8) 1.5 OTC for 8 to 5 Aspect Ratio
9) Improved Stock Environment v3_TMO&RFB
10) Traveller Mod 2.6 Patch 1 - ISE v3 Patch
11) Traveller Mod 2.6 Cold weather Clothing
12) Traveller Mod 2.6 No DC Camera Shake
13) Convoy Routes TMO+RSRD

14) Water disturbance

I don't know if Traveller added some sort of Water disturbance to his pack otherwize I might try and add TDW's Water disturbance Mod.
Side note:
I noticed a aditional Mod to for OTC in the extras folder.
1.5 OTC Automatic Ship ID, I'll have to put that in there somewhere, between 6 and 7 or 7 and 8 .

First things first,

I have installed 1 through 7, 9 and 10 (haven't played a campaign mission yet, just testing things).

A few things I noticed up to now which I don't like , please don't misunderstand I don't mean to be disrespectful in any way, the creator's of these MOD's make them to their own satisfaction and maybe add a few extra’s from people who asked for them when the Mod was created which is understandable and I very much appreciate their efforts and work, not to mention the time it took to make and test them, without these people we wouldn’t be able to play the enhanced version of the game so a big THANK YOU for that!

Now to my 'dislikes', if at all possible I would like to change these things:

_ The bearing tool on the Nav. Map. (no idea how to get that back, I don’t suppose copying and pasting the necessary files will work)?
_ The Ocean color... it actually hurts my eyes. I would very much like to have the color from FOTRS in there. Is this doable and how would I have to go about doing it?
_ The conversion chart button in command room, hovering above it shows a bubble which says ‘conversion chart’ but when pressed it give the gramophone without the chart.
(the chart is nowhere to be found actually).

If anyone could help me out with that it would be very much be appreciated.

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