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Old 01-13-14, 09:25 AM   #2989
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Originally Posted by sober View Post
What TC are you travelling at ? Something isn't right . Your computer is about a hundred X better than my comp . I didn't have a single ctd from Memel to Kiel to British coastal waters
I'm not running TC any faster than 128. I edited the SH 5 files to match your settings, which looked like TC is limited to 256. I have not tweaked on the computer, so I'm not overclocked, but I also haven't really gone deep into the beast... (only a couple of months)... so there may be something I've missed. I get a little skitterish changing settings with Microsoft or messing with bios and I'm still stumbling thru Windows 7... Why do they have to rename everything or hide apps in new places every time they design a new OS? Just call it (for example) "display settings"... not "personalize". For crying out loud... I just want to change the display settings... not start a relationship with the thing!

One more thing... and this may be one of the tutorial mods... but my crew always has something to say (a chatty bunch)... and, annoyingly, walk around with exclaimation marks over their heads... like dude... I'm the captain... I know what to do already! And for crying out loud... Josef... fix the leak over by the chart table... that drip, drip, drip is driving me crazy... lol
All ahead... slow.
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