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Old 12-03-13, 04:26 AM   #2755
Posts: n/a

I've got problems by using this mod collection.

Sober, using your snapshot solved all problems I've reported before - I can use the external underwater camera and the camo is shown.

The first impression of this modpack is totaly amazing... the one last thing that no mod can give is the smell and taste of salt water. Great!

Well, I have a savegame where an english submarine crosses my way in the first OH campain, and I didn't know anything to do to engage it: The gun crew didn't do anything in the first try, even when I command to fire at will. On the second try when I load this savegame again they attacked this ship (1 hit out of 20 shots?), but to be honest I do not know what I've done, so I'm not sure how to manage the crew in SH5 or this mod(s) (I came over from SH1/2/3). Any tutorial for this somewhere?

Then I got a windows error (sh5.exe) when I tried to use the stadimeter to calculate the solution for a torpedo attack. You know, you click "use the stadimeter" in the dialoge and there is written something like "not defined" - if I move the mouse over this the error message appears. I reinstalled SH5 and the modpack but it appeared again, so actually it's not possible for me to find out any distances. How can I activate the stadimeter when I'm at UZO or periscope without using the crew dialoge?

Next I tried to find this submarine in the ship register. I found warhips only and I had to browse page by page through all ships, but no submarines where shown. How to search by nations only?

Is there any way to let the crew identifiy and calculate a complete torpedo solution?

Real navigation is a wonderful thing, wow - like on real sailing - but how can I manage to sail a zick zack in coastal waters (like the first OH campain mission) by using TC? I read something about a clock timer?
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