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Old 12-02-13, 01:08 PM   #17
Join Date: Nov 2013
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Verry nice. In fact all those user interface changes are very important for making scenario testing efficient.

I see the following UI problems:
-you cannot select in mission editor current aircraft altitude, only desired.
this means every scenario 'has to converge' from max altitude to something realistic 'on the run'. This implies unnecessary and unfair chance for the enemy to detect those airplane groups (descending from say 12000m to 80m). It also concerns actual heading as RCS depends on it.
-F-16 (at least polish and greek) are flying with 'crab angle' of 20deg (their fuselage, radarcone , everything is rotated relative to flight path)
-I suggest an option 'merge range-symbols-by-type'
because once you have at least one harpoon/exocet/NSM/RBS-15/tomahawk oboard,
it is impossible to manage efficiently the opening arrangement for a surface gunfight,
because harpoon wins over all ranges creating a nice circle.
Therefore the option reduces as much clutter as it removes crucial information, being as much advanced as useless. There is also a bug that merging those symbols sometimes merges enemy symbol with ownside symbols, when emitter center is outside the screen.
-Airfeild icons should be displayed on top of other icons like AA sites
otherwise it is very difficult to select them.
-There is also an issue with 'aircraft ready time' dialog box, in which the focus is not on OK button.
-During editing and 'pre-heating' the scenario, I have found that If I have enabled a radar on a submarine by mistake, then switched it off and saved the scenario, opossing side has this ancient radar contact in memory and ther is no way to delete it. Therefore it is easy to mess up a scenario without a chance for rectovery. The same story with selecting 'visible by default' option for one of the missile sites or any other facility - there is no way to 'clear sensor contact list' when editing a scenario.
-there is one more problem similar to all harpoon-like hames: all scenarios are not 'coocked' before startup so once you start a game, there is a flood of contacts that otherwise would be detected since a long time due to enabled radars, eyesights etc. My proposal is to add '1min cookicng time' as a button for a scenario when you can freeze all firing, movement and aircraft preparation, game tiem is frozen, but sensor time goes on. Therefore you could settle all contacts then save a scenario in a state corresponding to all sensor status. In other words, an option 'drop all contacts then cook for one minute' would be a perfect solution for adjusting headings, depths, altitudes and sensor contacts to a coherent state, without adding complicated manual edition options for the contacts.

Last edited by kbosak; 12-05-13 at 01:25 PM.
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