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Old 11-15-13, 11:52 AM   #10892
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by Von_Stolzenberg View Post
hmm seems it worked... why is it so complicated now, never was so twisted in extracting and activating before
Seems it worked???.....meaning it was a computer glitch or did you find multiple folder issues and not commenting on that part?

No, it is not more complicated. Nothing has changed. Multiple folder levels are discussed in JSGME documentation over the years. I tried to explain as simply and has accurately to fix your issue. It is the up to the discretion of the individual modders of what they want to do for individual mod folder structure.

Generally speaking, many modders and the JSGME program author has suggested to read the documentation but is not read by some fellow subsimmers. Sometimes we can tell from the context of the post reply that documentation is not read properly. Time could be saved for all of us, plus server resources simply by reading documentation. Missing some important step or a simple human oversight is one thing, but not reading the documentation efficiently enough is another issue. We repeat ourselves over and over from time to time replying to the same problems because documentation is not read efficiently by others.

I will gladly pitch in and help others. We are more grateful when others take the time to read documentation first, then we are more gladly to offer a helping hand when still needed.

We are just grateful the games are fixed better, compared to the Ubisoft release, by all our dedication to helping each other here.

A very general statement relevant to mods not working or CTDs in general......
Quoting Webster ,
"this problem is mostly caused by impatient people failing to read the mod instructions and follow them as directed. people "skim" the reading info with mods then cry when they don't work or the game crashes but its because they are too lazy to read the instructions 98% of the time."

I couldn't have said Webster's comment better, plus others making the same general comment in a different way!!!!

Last edited by Mikemike47; 11-15-13 at 12:22 PM.
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