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Old 10-19-13, 08:17 PM   #568
Lucky Jack
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Well, I've updated, and had a couple of hours on the ATAG server. Very impressive work by all involved, but no real performance increase in my end, although it's probably my connection to the ATAG server which is not brilliant at the best of times. Visibility of enemy aircraft also still seems a bit off, but I suspect that's more to do with the lack of large bomber formations than anything else. I distinctly remember reading RAF pilots claiming that on a clear day they could see the raids forming up over France whilst on patrol on the coast. In Clod I'd say that the dots appear slightly England side of mid-channel, and since they're usually, well, in my experience anyway, two or three dots at a time, seeing them isn't easy.

I suspect though, more than anything, my computer is finally reaching the limit of its capabilities, and my internet is just not up to snuff to dogfight on the ATAG server. Just a few minutes ago a Bf109E4/N off the ground, probably the automatic pitch helped, and whilst popping in and out of menu to see what key I had the cannons on I experienced a lot of load time, and a fair bit of...what I would describe as clunkiness. Then I managed to get back into the cockpit, just rescuing the 109 from a dive into the Channel. I spotted Flak so turned to investigate, was bounced by a Hurricane, then everything froze up for about six or seven seconds and I crashed into the ground.

So, for now, I'll stick with BOBII still...
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