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Old 04-25-13, 07:26 AM   #23
Navy Seal
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Let's get something straight: I'm not defending Intel. At no point did I say Intel is better than AMD, while you stated "Like everything Intel makes, they charge way too much for it.". So who exactly is "maliciously defending" their "preferred Processor manufacturer" here?

I have given you a straight up, all-round comparison between a i5 2500K and a AMD Phenom II X6 1090T. The AMD has a 2 core advantage there, and the i5 comes out with a clear lead. You flat out ignored it.

I gave you facts about game engines. You ignored them.

I don't much care what your experiences are with AMD; we covered that with acknowledging that a better CPU doesn't necessarily translate to better gaming, except where the game is CPU-bound. The fact is your statements contradict reality, and that's why I'm debating this: I can't stand misinformation, and I know from experience there's an awful lot of it floating around.

Contritium praecedit superbia.
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