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Old 03-30-13, 06:02 AM   #51
Posts: n/a

I'm sorry to say, that sounds like a ton of excuses. The impoverished turn to drugs to escape their misery? What misery?! How is it that in the United States we have the most ridiculously obese welfare class on the planet, complete with clean running water, big screen TVs, and Xbox 360s?
Take away the mod cons and you could be talking about ancient rome, royalist and repulican france, imperial china or victorian britain.

The cycle of poverty will never end as long as we keep providing excuses, must less accepting them.
The cycle of poverty didn't end with poor laws deportations or imprisonment either, all the "get tough" measures on the "****less wastrels" have made no impact at all over the centuries.
What you are suggesting is a re-run of useless approach which has failed hundreds or thousands of times already and has never shown even the slightest hint of working.
Makes for good populist headlines though doesn't it.

edit to add. silly ******** filter doesn't understand english, the word is **** not ****
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