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Old 02-20-13, 10:27 AM   #2182
Takeda Shingen
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Originally Posted by Dowly View Post
Wonder if Donna is as obsessed with Ulfric as FK...


Thought this was pretty interesting video, talking about how the series has changed:

(Now, don't get me wrong, I like Skyrim. Just found the video interesting.)
Remember the days when you didn't have to watch a truck commercial before you saw your video?

Anyway, the guy starts with that whole 'adolescent fit of mindless hysteria' quip, which is an establishment of the fallacy that if you don't agree with what I am saying it is clearly because you are too immature and choleric to really get it. I normally stop watching or reading someone's argument right there. However I did continue watching, more out respect for Dowly's assessment of the video than the argument of the video's author.

That being said, I do agree with much of what the author says. Games in general have moved from a PC-based to a console-based marketing scheme. Fortunately for those of us that play on PC, we can mod that older complexity back into the games. And yes, Oblivion was absolutely the weakest game in the series. I love Oblivion, but Bethesda tried some things in that game that simply didn't work well, and were corrected or restored in Skyrim.

We should be able to fail quests, factions should matter (New Vegas got that one totally right), and NPCs should totally be pissed off at you and refuse to interact with you. I am not a 100% completionist, so if I am in with the Dark Brotherhood and Volkihar Clan, I assume that it wouldn't be in my character's nature to join the Companions or enroll in the College of Winterhold.

One thing that was fantastic in New Vegas that I wish was included in Skyrim was the effect that apparel had. If you walked around Henderson wearing your Legion armor, you're going to get shot at. Conversely, strolling up to the docks in Cottonwood Cove wearing NCR ranger armor is a bad idea. In Skyrim, I can ride up to Whiterun on my red-eyed demon horse in broad dayling, stroll through the city wearing Dark Brotherhood armor and still have unrestricted access to the Jarl. "Hi, I'm a cold-blooded murderer from the Dark Brotherhood. Can I come in?" "Yeah, sure, welcome."

Oh, and I am always turning off the quest markers. An option to disable them completely would be fantastic.
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